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Advertise on MotorBrief

If you’re here, you’re probably interested in partnering with Motor Brief and we’re more than happy to hear that. So let us tell you a little about the website:

Where are our visitors from? (Source: Google Analytics)
MotorBrief visitors
What kind of advertising opportunities are we offering?
We offer the most popular options, but we’re also always looking to new and innovative ideas, so if you’re interested in advertising on MotorBrief, please see our contact section and drop us an email using “Advertising on MotorBrief” as subject.

Here are some of our most popular options:

728×90 Banner – Above the fold

Package 1
A great position, immediately visible to our visitors as soon as they enter the website. Offers the best exposure. Get quote.

300×250 or 300×300 Banner – Above the fold

Package 2
A great position, immediately visible to our visitors as soon as they enter the website. Offers the best exposure. Get quote

300×600 or 160×600 or 120×600 Banner – Large next to content

Package 3
The large banner provides great exposure right next to the content. Get quote

728×90 Banner – After content, best CTR

Package 4
It’s a known fact that ads placed right after the content usually get the best CTRs, since the visitors are already engaged and are looking for more. Get quote